How to send a Transactional Email by specifying Cc and Bcc values in the subject mail
  1. Open your application, then click on Create New Email button
  2. Configure on "Email header" and "Body" sections.
    Name of Email header and BodyDescription
    To Specify the recipient email 
    Cc Specify the second recipient email 
    Subject Specify variable value {X-TM-BCC:,} and the subject email that you want your recipient will receive
    Email body Identify the email content 
    Examples of writing e-mails specifying To, Cc and Bcc values via Subject mail.
  3. Click on Send Email


How to send a Transactional email by specifying Cc and Bcc values in the header mail
  1. Open your application, then click on Create New Email button
  2. Specify X-TM-BCC variable values to create the Bcc option.
    Example of identifying X-TM-BCC variable values to create Bcc options.
  3. Configure on "Email header" and "Body" sections.
    Name of Email header and BodyDescription
    To Specify the recipient email 
    Cc Specify the second recipient email 
    Bcc Select the X-TM-BCC variable and specify the destination e-mail.
    Subject Specify Subject email the recipient will receive
    Email body Identify the email content
    Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 17.41.10.png
    Example of writing a To, Cc, and Bcc email using Header mail.
    Preview is a step to identify To Cc and Bcc via Header mail from Thunderbird.
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Mook is a Senior Support Specialist in Taximail. She provides technical assistance, service, and training to Junior Support Specialist. Solving clients problems in a timely and efficient manner is her strongest suit. She is fashion enthusiast and a frequent traveler.

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