Do you want to build a loyal audience?


SEO and email marketing may be the right answers! Researchers show that email gets almost 3 times as many users account as Twitter and Facebook combined gathering 2.9 billion users.

Email marketers use email marketing as a key way to share their permission-based marketing to share their brand content.  

Even if email marketing alone can’t do much for your SEO and your keyword ranking, it can have an impact on subscribers behavior like leaving a comment or sharing your content. Also, it’s a good leverage to drive traffic to your website. 


Here we will see some tips to boost your SEO via email.


Optimise your landing pages using SEO

When you subscribers click on your email he will land on your website then you need to use basic SEO tactics to boost the landing pages growing your email list.

You have to optimize the meta tag description, the images by writing an alt tag on each one and finally select relevant keywords. 




Content sharing with your subscribers base

This one of the best way to increase indirectly your SEO campaign as well as building a brand awareness by having likes, fans, followers etc. You can include Inbound links to your website through your post to keep engage and aware of your social community.

Most of email marketers will tell that a small list of the engaged user is always better than a big list of customers thinking about the quality first. Regardless you always should have a qualified list of subscribers and work on expanding it. 

Indeed more people engage and see your content better you will get SEO results. There are few ways to enhance your subscriber’s list. For instance, by making subscribe your readers to your social network and keep them engage with your content whether you are sending it via email or social network. The more followers you get from social media, the more views, shares you will get for your business online.

Encourage your subscribers taking action on your social media such as 

Asking readers to leave a comment whether on your Facebook page or on your blog post.

Encourage people sharing your news, articles for example in the case of a nonprofit project that your company is involved with. 

Driving people directly to your social media like Twitter, Facebook or Youtube inputting a direct link. 

Other ways may be to create a subscription form on your website or blog. Just make sure the text is readable and clear and the process is as easy as possible. 




Content consumption

Give to your subscriber's others ways to stay updated with your content. The idea would be to not send only sales email but get more subscribers connecting them to your content through email reminders. For examples:

Link your blog post to your email or let people connect directly via RSS.

You may give to your website visitors, the option to subscribe to a specifical section of your blog delivering daily or weekly update.

If you have you’ve video channel you should tell your subscribers to subscribe to your channel if they love your video or follow you on Instagram if they love your photos. 

Use image editing free online to make your photos more eye-catching and professional.

Your constant email activity helps your subscribers keep connected to your content. Your search rankings should be improved if let’s say half of your subscribers also follow you on Facebook and Twitter. 




First objectives

You can improve your ranking in the search engines by reaching this primary goal.   


Inbound links:

More links you have created to your website and more you will rank in a search engine if the links are from high authority domain. This SEO strategy is important for improving your website reputation. Using Email Marketing Campaign may help your users to click and send them to specific pages, posts etc. 


Content promotion:

Email marketing campaign can help you to improve the performance of your content. For instance, you can send a monthly or weekly newsletter that summarizes your popular blog post. This a great way as well to get traffic to your website.


User engagement:

Engage your email users on your website by proposing valuables offers or specific content to make them get back on your website.




Second objectives

Reaching this second objective you can influence indirectly your ranking in search engine.


Reputation recognition:

email marketing lets you build brand recognition by keeping in touch with your customers. It’s one of the best levers to get a high-profile publisher, engage with influencers in order to improve your SEO as well.


Long-term improvement:

Email marketing is a good way to determine which subject line is effective, how to work your open rate or with which content is appreciated by your audience. You can use this information to build a better target or content then improve your SEO in long-term.




Key SEO and email marketing tips

Avoid spam, stop thinking that the most emails you send, more opportunity you will get. Customers unsubscribe when they receive too many emails. 

Don’t buy Email List. You have to build your subscriber list on your own. People who want to hear from you.

Focus on providing valuable content to make them take action through your emails.

Finally, test and evaluate everything.


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Aek is one of the Software Developer in Taximail. He is comfortable in difficult situations and finding solutions to improve Taximail. With his ability in development language such as PHP, Javascript, Python and commercial experience brought success to the team. He likes to travel and take pictures. Badminton is one of his physical leisure that he enjoys.

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