Have you ever sent any time the same email or have you ever sent an email marketing campaign with the wrong personalization? Or, the last email you sent to your customers had their first name merged somewhere in the copy and you felt it was personalized…you’re wrong.


Personalization is one of the most powerful email marketing tactics. That’s OK because “personalization” has become quite the buzzword lately and many marketers simply just get lost in the noise and information overload that follows.

The mistakes in email marketing campaign can lower your subscriber’s trust and your brand image.

To avoid this mistakes, it’s important to set an email marketing check-list before send out your campaign.



Here are simple steps to implement your checklist:

Keep your subscribers informed
Be ready to send them quickly the first email after they subscribe to your email list such as welcome email. Don’t leave too much time between your emails.

Prepare carefully your content
Your recipients will note if you include wrong spelling and wrong grammar in your email marketing. So check all your spelling before sending out your email marketing campaign.

Introduce yourself properly
Use a name in ‘’from’’ that shows who you are if not your newsletter or your email marketing will go directly to the spam folder. In the case of you would like to use a new brand name, write it in your content and keep the same ‘’from’’ name.

Include at least the first name for every subscriber. You can use other personalized information in your content by being sure it’ll make sense.

Test the customer path of the email
Run an AB test in your Email Content especially on your CTA to see if the people will be redirected to the right place after they click through.

Email responsive device
Build a responsive template that lets you display a responsive design on mobile devices. Make sure your images are not too heavy to be downloaded completely. Prefer a single-column layout than a multi-column layout.

Links check
Check every link in order to avoid your subscribers to be annoyed when they are interested in your offer by clicking through. You'll have only one chance to get them interested.

Subject line
Check your Email Subject Line before sending. Some marketer sends out accidentally their campaign including a subject line with placeholder while they’re testing.

You can adapt this checklist to your business and your needs.




To wrap things up...

Personalization doesn’t have to be limited to using your customers’ data. You also can personalize your brand. Personalization can soften the edges of big business and add a level of human connection between you and your customer. It can seem complex tools have made it easy to make your emails targeted, personal, and more engaging than ever. Ultimately, personalization results in a deeper, more meaningful relationship with subscribers, and it’s worth using in your email marketing campaigns starting today!

What will be the kind of email personalization do you plan in your next email marketing? Make sure to review this article.


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As a Designer in Taximail, Bin sees to it that the design has a “WOW” factor. He is an expert in using Sketch App, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator and Freehand Sketch. Born from a family of Artists, he has an innate talent. He loves to play badminton in his free time.

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